aprillia sutomo
06:04 19 Dec 23
The shoes are like new 👍🏻 even though they are white, they are really clean down to the details. Anyway, satisfied! 👍🏻
Jennika Adila
04:25 09 Dec 23
It's really satisfying to wash shoes here. The results are good, the workmanship is neat, the service is extraordinarily good, on time, picked up, delivered, no worries and no hassle. I'm not being rude, this is my honest review. That's how good the service is. Moreover, when I was giving it to be washed, the sole of the shoe was a little open, so my father helped me fix it. When I received my shoes they were good again. I'm really moved to the point of being emotional. I'm going to subscribe to this. Thank you very much, sir, ma'am. Always be healthy and wish you more success 🙂
Sulastri Sulastri
08:12 31 Aug 23
Good experience from ARaushoes, my shoes which were dirty and yellow came back clean white and smell good after being handled, like new again. The price is also affordable and the handling is good and the service is friendly. Thank you ARaushoes.
Ahmad Noviansah
08:51 29 Aug 23
The results of washing shoes here are great. Very friendly price. Anyway, I'm very satisfied... Great... my shoes are getting cooler!
Aan Aminah
07:58 29 Aug 23
The results of washing the shoes are very satisfying,,, clean,, smells good,, and looks like new again,, a recommended shoe washing place anyway👍👍👍👍
aprillia sutomo
06:04 19 Dec 23
Sepatunya jd seperti baruuuu 👍🏻 padahal warna putih, bersih banget sampe ke detail2nya. Pokoknya puass! 👍🏻
Jennika Adila
04:25 09 Dec 23
Asli puas banget nyuci sepatu disini. Hasilnya bagus, pengerjaannya rapih, pelayanannya luar biasa baik, on time, di pick up, dianterin, no cape cape and no ribet. Gw ga lebay, this is my honest review. Emang sebagus itu servisnya. Apalagi pas waktu gw ngasi buat dicuci itu kan ada sol sepatu yang sedikit kebuka eh dibantu perbaikin dong sama bapaknya. Pas gw terima sepatu gw uda bagus lagi. Beneran gw terharu sampe kejiwa. Bakal langganan sih ini. Makasih banyak ya Pak,Bu. Sehat2 selalu dan semoga makin sukses ya 🙂
C Sir
01:13 22 Sep 23
Bersih dan kilat, dgn jasa express , drop hr ini, besok pagi sudah selesai. Sangat membantu
Dwi Retno wati
11:11 31 Aug 23
Diluar ekspektasi bgt, ternyata sepatu-nya jadi sebersih ini.. harga sama hasil-nya worth it banget.. sukak🫰
Sulastri Sulastri
08:12 31 Aug 23
Pengalaman yang baik dari ARaushoes, sepatu saya yang tadinya kotor dan berwarna kuning kembali putih bersih dan wangi setelah ditangani, seperti baru lagi. Harganya juga terjangkau dan penanganan baik serta pelayanannya ramah. Terima kasih ARaushoes.
Unknow Person
05:44 31 Aug 23
Terimakasih.... Sepatu sy jd terlihat seperti baru kembali plus wangi lagi... Smoga sukses y👍👍
Ahmad Noviansah
08:51 29 Aug 23
Mantul bgt hasil cuci sepatu disini. Harga bersahabat bgt. Pokoknya puas bgt deh... Mantap..sepatu saya makin keren!
Aan Aminah
07:58 29 Aug 23
Hasil pencucian sepatunya sangat memuaskan,,,bersih,, wangiii,, dan nampak seperti baru kembali,, tempat cuci sepatu yg recomended deh pokoknya👍👍👍👍